Saturday, March 29, 2008


I have a very good friend whom I adore. For some reason he thinks I'm pretty knowledgeable. I guess I can bullspit enough I suppose. He is very bright and witty. He loves the Marx Brothers and apparently Mel Brooks movies. I love Mel Brooks' movies as well. Blazing Saddles is a classic. But I digress.

A couple of weeks ago, he called me. It wasn't quite a drunk dial but I could tell he had a few drinks before calling me. He tends to call me from weird locations. This time it was a bar in South Joisey. So I make the declaration during our conversation that I'm going to teach myself how to speak Yiddish. Not only would I teach myself, I would try to impress him when he comes to NC in May by incorporating the words in a conversation. I was born and raised in NC. An African-American southern Baptist girl. Needless to say, my tongue doesn't work to well with trying to pronounce some of these words. I'm pretty sure he is going to laugh at me, not because of what I say but how I say it. A Yiddish Southern drawl has to be just a touch odd. It's a work in progress though.